Monday, September 17, 2012

Free Leopard Shoes!

Sorry guys for not posting anymore... I've been really busy with school and I have a job so i'm working all weekend. I'm gonna try to keep things updated more though :)

1. Go to the proxy:

2. Type in into the URL of the proxy

3.Log in and then paste this into the URL bar of the proxy:

4. Wait for the page to load and then you can close it :)

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Free "Do You Know" Jacket

1.Go to an United Kindom Proxy like:
2. Put the Stardoll like into the address bar of the proxy
3. Log in
into the address bar
5. Press enter, then you wait for the "Do you know" page to load 
and the bag should be in you suite :)